Writing Anthropomorphic Fiction

Anthropomorphic fiction is a genre that many writers have explored over the millennia, myself included. Writing with your main characters as animals rather than people can be an interesting, and in some ways even liberating, experience. However, with freedom comes responsibility, and thus there are certain rules that one must follow in order to writeContinue reading “Writing Anthropomorphic Fiction”

My Ten Favorite Women Authors

In case you weren’t aware (I wasn’t until a couple years ago), March is Women’s History Month. So, in honor of the occasion, here are ten ladies of literature I think deserve some attention for their contributions to the written word in order, and with web links where applicable:

‘The Mistmantle Chronicles’ (Or the Perfect Fantasy Series)

The Mistmantle Chronicles by M. I. McAllister is quite simply the perfect fantasy series, in my opinion. It has all the classic elements–good vs. evil, a fantastical setting, memorable characters, etc.–but it manages to put them together in just the right order. This is not a review, though at some point I may well reviewContinue reading “‘The Mistmantle Chronicles’ (Or the Perfect Fantasy Series)”

My Ten Favorite Book Series

I was a tad pressed for time this week, so here’s another top 10 list. This time the subject is my 10 favorite book series! These selections exclude nonfiction, short stories, picture or poetry books, sagas, etc. (The numbers in parentheses indicate how many novel-length books are in each series. All book titles are listedContinue reading “My Ten Favorite Book Series”